Thermal Response Testing Thermal Response Testing
Confirm your closed loop ground source heat pump potential with our precision ground conductivity measurements
Confirm your closed loop ground source heat pump potential with our precision ground conductivity measurements

What is thermal response testing?
A thermal response test measures the thermal conductivity of the ground at depths of up to 200m. They are undertaken prior to installing a closed loop ground source heat pump system using vertical boreholes on larger schemes. This is done as a continuous process over 2-3 days using a purpose built Thermal Response Test rig. Data is collected on site by our technician and then analysed and reported on by our thermo geologist to arrive at the average thermal conductivity for the bore hole.

What comes next?
For a proposed ground source heat pump installation the results of the thermal response test are used to establish the number of boreholes required to service the heating and cooling demands of the building. Moreover the borehole used for the test can be incorporated into the completed borefield for the heat pump installation so it becomes a production hole, not just a trial hole.

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If you’re unsure what’s right for your home or commercial space, provide some details here and we can get in touch to talk to you about your property